Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What is 3rd Eye?

Referred to as the seat of the soul, the third eye is seen as the gate to the spiritual world. The physical location of the third eye is just above the eyebrows in the center of the head. It is said that when the third eye is activated, one can see beyond the mere physical world becomes connected to the realm of the super-consciousness.

There is much debate over the existence and origin of the concept of the third eye. Western science is beginning to discover the organic relation between the physical 3rd eye and the spiritual third eye. The pineal gland is seen as the source of the third eye activation that is described as experiencing a dream in an awakened state.

A direct portal to the dream world, many indigenous cultures including Buddhist, Hindu, and Yoruba, find the third eye as the hub that connects us to true reality. In the Book "Of Water and Spirit" by Malidoma Patrice Some a Dagra spiritual healer, he speaks of how in his culture, there is no separation between the dream world and the real world. He goes on to say that the Western world finds itself locked in to the concept that reality is only what can be seen, heard, touched, smelled, and tasted.

Just imagine if we were able to tap into the forces that allow us to shape our thoughts into realities. Wonder what the world would look like if everything that we thought of and wanted was instantly transferred into the physical world. Although this may seem to be some storyline for some science fiction movie of a sequel to the Matrix, this reality isn't to far off. Ask yourself, have you ever thought of someone the instant that they called you. Have you ever woken up and questioned if what you dreamt was real or "just a dream"?

As humans, we are reality creating machines, from skyscrapers to the international space station, we harness the power to manifest infinite realities. As individuals, we often find challenges in finding our true selves. In the Western world, it is often difficult to realize our dreams because we are so focused on the material world. Giving happiness, security, and comfort a physical form like that three story house, that Cartier bracelet, or that Italian coupe, diverts energy away from liberating ourselves. Breaking beyond the dualities that complicate our lives is achieved through focus on the unseen. Life through the third eye transcends the concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark. Through the third eye, we just are.

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